Wash and Fold Drop Off Laundry Service in Arlington, TX
Busy schedule, Hate doing Laundry? Let Bundles360/360Wash-N-Dry do it for you.
360 Wash-n-Dry does wash and fold laundry service in Arlington. We are the best clothes washing service in the area.
You just Drop Off Laundry to us and we'll Wash, Dry, and Fold it for you. Our next day Wash & Fold Service is only 99 cents a pound with a minimum order of 12 pounds.
For same Day Drop Off Laundry Service, we charge only $1.25 a pound. Try us once and we guarantee you will never do your own laundry again.
We only use brand name detergents like Tide, OxiClean, Gain for your Drop Off orders. For softener, we use Downing, and Bounces Dry Sheets for all your Laundries.
We sort all clothing into white, lights, and dark, while making sure to abide by the care labels. Come see us today.
360 Wash-n-Dry only use TOP brand Detergents for all your laundry. We use Tide, Gain, All, Persil Proclean, and OxiClean. For those with sensitive skin, we use Seventh Generation Free & Clear. For softener we use Downy or Bounce.
Certain items are charged by the piece rather than by the pound.
Blankets, comforters, and sleeping bags are priced from $9.99.
Down is an additional $5 because of the increased drying time.
Our Wash and Fold Launderers are experienced and do an exceptional job.
Drop off your laundry today!